About the organisers

We have been friends for over 25 years and our two 5 children have been friends and schoolmates since birth.

We are both consciously engaged in our own self-development, thus trying to provide our children with the attention, patience and love they need at their age.

Eszter Bálint

I am Eszter Bálint, I have been working in real estate for more than 16 years, 10 years as an interior designer and designer.
As a health-conscious mother, I weave the possibilities of nature and harmony into my children’s lives, and this inspired me to incorporate the healing power of spaces into interior design. I strive to live consciously, to constantly evolve and to pass on my experiences to my children and those around me.

 Nóra Balogh

I am 43 years old, mother of two children. I have been a model in the world for 25 years. In the meantime I have learned and experienced a lot.
things that were not taught and not prepared for in school. My mission over the years has been to help the adults of the future, the children and teenagers of today, to learn in a playful, fun and light way how to achieve a happy balanced life. This does not mean that they will never have to face challenges in life, but the attitude is the key.
I want to show them these techniques so that when they are faced with a difficult situation, they know what to do to get back into balance.